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hands down
垂手可得地,容易地 容易地, 不费力地, 无疑地 手放下去 唾手可得地  detail>>
 adj.  1.垂手可得的,轻而易举的。 2.无疑的。  detail>>
hands down win hands down
轻易大胜  detail>>
i believe he won
谅他不会来  detail>>
hands down its decision
宣布决定  detail>>
hands-down winner
毫不费力的获胜者  detail>>
win hands down
轻易获胜  detail>>
win the game hands down
不费力地在比赛中获胜  detail>>
he is clumsy with his hands
他的一双手很笨  detail>>
i won’t let it down this time
这次我不会再错过  detail>>
and won he biggest share in the bidding
投标中成为最大赢家  detail>>
he won praises for his modesty
他因谦虚而赢得盛赞  detail>>
it appears that he won’t come tonight
看来他今晚不会来了  detail>>
it’s your hands written down by chalks
满是粉尘的双手  detail>>
pull down firrmly with both hands
双手用力下拉  detail>>